EVENT INFO for Cowboys |
- Oct 11(Sat) - 12(Sun), 2003
- 3nd Annual Osaka Stampede Rodeo WEB SITE
- Okinawa Bull Riding Association will hold a big Rodeo, Bull Riding Competition in Osaka, Japan. They are only association having REAL bull riding in Japan. It is a rare chance to watch REAL bull riding in Japan. You can't miss it. They'll have a party on Saturday night.
- Bull Riding
- WHEN: Oct 11(Sat) - 12(Sun), 2003 OPEN 2:00pm START 3:00pm - 6:00pm
- PRICE: ¥1,500 each day (¥2,000 for 2days)
- Country Music & Dance Party
- WHEN: Oct 11(Sat), 2003 START 7:00pm -
- PRICE: Male ¥1,500 / Female ¥1,000 including Free food without drinks
- WHERE: Rody's Stable (0720-69-0035) [MAP] 1981-3 Tatsuma, Daitou-shi, Osaka, JAPAN
- SPONSER: Okinanawa Bull Riding Association
- Oct 19 (Sun), 2003
- 15th Country Gold WEB SITE (Japanese) (English)
- The largest country music festival in Japan. They hold it in every Octobar. Many country musicians from overseas. More than 10 thousands people will come to enjoy. It is also important as a place to get freinds who like country music and cowboy stuff.
- WHEN: Oct 19 (Sun), 2003 OPEN 9:00am START 11:00pm - 6:30pm
- WHERE: Aspecta (Green pier Minami-Aso) (TEL 09676-7-1161/ Kumamoto, Japan)
- PRICE: ¥7,000 (¥6,000 in advance)
CONTACT: Country Gold Information (096-359-2735)
- Dec 5 (Fri) - 14 (Sun), 2003
- Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association
Wrangler National Finals Rodeo (WNFR)WEB SITE- The annual apex of the season in Las Vegas that will decide the champions of the sport. The top 15 money winning cowboys of this year from each event will compete for 10 days for the greatest honor for a cowboy, the crown of World Champion. All seats are reserved, and already sold out, but you can still purchase them through a ticket or travel agency. Cost is about $250 per seat in Plaza.
During the duration of the event, thousands of western related shops will open displays at the convention site, and it would take you several days to see them all. Also, big name country artists will be in concert at many of the hotels in Las Vegas as well.- WHEN: DEC 5 (Fri) - 14 (Sun), 2003 6:45pm - 9:30pm
- WHERE: Tohmas & Mac Center, Las Vegas, NV; USA
- Sep 19 (Fri), 20 (Sat), 21 (Sun), 2003
- STOMPIN' PARTY with Barry & Dari Anne Amato from Nashville
- Dance! with great music players and great instructor, Barry & Dari Anne Amato from Nashville!!
- WHEN: Sep 19 (Fri), 2003
- WHERE: Kitazato Town Hall TEL (03) 5478-8006 Tokyo
- 3:00pm - 5:00pm WORKSHOP (OPEN 2:30pm)
5:30pm - 8:30pm LIVE PARTY + SHOWCASE (OPEN 5:15pm)
APPEARING: Isakatikazo (featuring Takashi Ozaki)- PRICE: WORKSHOP = ¥3,000, PARTY = ¥5,000 (including snack and drink)
- WORKSHOP + PARTY = ¥7,000, 19(Fri) + 20(Sat) = ¥3,000
- SPONSOR: Buanas Cincenta Production
- WHEN: Sep 20 (Sat), 2003
- WHERE: Omori Bellport TEL (03) 5753-2811 Tokyo
- 3:30pm - 5:30pm WORKSHOP (OPEN 3:00pm)
6:30pm - 9:30pm LIVE PARTY + Showcase (OPEN 6:00pm)- APPEARING: Isakatikazo (featuring Takashi Ozaki), ON THE BORDER
- PRICE: WORKSHOP = ¥3,000, PARTY = ¥5,000 (including snack and drink)
- WORKSHOP + PARTY = ¥7,000, 19(Fri) + 20(Sat) = ¥3,000
- SPONSOR: Buanas Cincenta Production
- WHEN: Sep 21 (Sun), 2003
- WHERE: Sendai Bar Isn't It TEL (022) 262-0901 Miyagi
- 2:00pm - WORKSHOP
7:00pm - LIVE PARTY- APPEARING: Isakatikazo (featuring Takashi Ozaki), ROUTE66
- PRICE: WORKSHOP = ¥3,000, PARTY = ¥6,000
- SPONSOR: American Dance Ranch TEL (022) 262-0901
- CONTACT: Rocos Music TEL (03) 3712-9709
- SUPPORTER: Dancing Appaloosa, Crazy feet Tokyo, Dancin' Texas, American Dance Ranch (Japanese)
- Country music, Country Dance, Horseback Riding
- Sep 21 (Sun), 2003
- 4th Annual Western Picnic In Sahoro WEB SITE (Japanese)
- Country music and dance. Horseshoe, Fast Draw, shopping.
- Horse Trail (22th 11:00am - 3:00pm)
- WHEN: Sep 21 (Sun) 12:00pm - 10:00pm
- WHERE: Western Village Sahoro Phone: (01566) 4-4111, Hokkaido, Japan
- PRICE: Free
- Jul 18 (Fri) - 27 (Sun), 2003
- Cheyenne Fronteir Days (CFD) WEB SITE
- One of a bigget rodeo in USA. You can enjoy the parade with frontier days.
- WHEN: Jul 18 (Fri) - 27 (Sun)
- WHERE: Cheyenne, USA
- Jul 26 (Sat) - 27(Sun), 2003
- 13th Annual Yatsugatake Horse Show
- WHEN: July 26(Sat) - 27(Sun) 2003 8:00am - 4:00pm
- WHERE: Yamanashi Equestrian Arena (Kobuchizawa, Yamanashi, Japan)
- Jul 20 (Sun), 2003
- MARRY Summer Live
- WHEN: Jul 20(Sun), 2003 OPEN: 1:00pm START 2:00pm - 6:00pm
- WHERE: Marry Western Shop (658 Ikeda, Munakata-shi, Fukuoka-ken, JAPAN)
- APPEARING: Willy Kusuyama
- PRICE: ¥5,000 (including food)
CONTACT: Marry Western Shop (TEL&FAX: 0940-34-6077)
- Jul 20 (Sun), 2003
- Western Legend & Country Dance Expo WEB SITE (Japanese)
- WHEN: Jul 20(Sun), 2003 OPEN: 12:50pm START 1:00pm - 20:30pm
- WHERE: Yomiuri Bunka Hall (TEL 06-6833-5032) Osaka, Japan
- APPEARING: On The Border
- PRICE: ¥3,000 (¥2,500 in advance)
- CONTACT: Western Legend & Country Dnace Expo committee (TEL 06-6444-0331)
- Jul 4 (Fri) - 13 (Sun), 2003
- Calgary Stampede WEB SITE
- A bigget rodeo in Canada. Stage coach racing is faous and great. You can see many cowboys and cowgirls everywhere in Calgary.
- WHEN: Jul 4 (Fri) - 13 (Sun), 2003
- WHERE: Calgary, Canada
- Painting
- April 24 (Thu) - May 25 (Sun), 2003
- Bernard Fuchs Encore Exhibition
- Enjoy splendid works of American master painter who has been producing wide variety of modern impressionistic works throughout more than 40 years career. This exhibition is going to show Bernard Fuchs' dynamic new works which represent American culture and history as well as impressionistic images of Italy which depict light and shadow in a superb way.
- WHEN:: April 24th (THU) - May 25th (SUN), 2003
Till 17:00 on Saturday, Sunday and holiday,
Closed on May 5th (SUN) and 18th (SUN)
Time: 11:00-19:00 (Till 18:00 on the last day)- WHERE: Daikanyama The Obsession Gallery (Japan)
(3 minutes walk from Daikanyama station, Inside Hillside Terrace)- PRICE: Free
- CONTACT: Art Obsession: Tel; 03-5489-3686 Email; info@art-obsession.co.jp
- May 24 (Sat) - 25 (Sun), 2003
- 2nd annual Country Jamboree in Hirugano WEB SITE (Japanese)
- Country live music, country dancing, western fashion show, horseback riding, fast draw,
- horseshoe drawing and more! Country music singer, Rachel Sedacca will come!!
- WHEN: May 24 (Sat) - 25 (Sun), 2003 / 17th: 6:00 - Party, 18th: 10:00am - 6:00pm
- WHERE: Hirugano Kougen Skiing ground, Takasu-mura, Gujyou-gun, Gifuken, JAPAN
- PRICE: ¥2,500 (¥2,000 in advance) for 18th (¥3,000 in advance for both days)
- May 24 (Sat) - 25 (Sun), 2003
- Kiyosato Develop Memorial Fair " John Deer & Western Fair" WEB SITE (Japanese)
- John Deer, American Tractor is important for developing Kiyosato. This is a festival of 'John Deer' with western events, Fast draw by Pale Riders, Country Dancing by Natsuko Grace & Dancin' Texas, Rodeo with Mach Bull, Trick roping by Rody Hasegawa & Neizan Sasaki, Western apparel shop, Pony ride, Riding John Deer and more.
- WHEN: May 24 (Sat) - 25 (Sun), 2003, 10:00am - 4:00pm
- WHERE: Green Garden, Moeginomura, Yatsugatake Kiyosato Kougen, Yamanashi
- SPONSOR: Moeginomura Inc.
- CONTACT:Blue Pub Restaurant ROCK (0551-48-2521)
- Mar 29 (Sat), 2003
- JCMA Country friendship party WEB SITE (Japanese)
- Japan Country Music Association holds this party once in a year exchanging information. Non-member welcome, too. Report of today's country, country live music and country dance and more.
- WHEN: Mar 29 (Sat), 2003 Open: 6:00pm Start 6:30pm - 9F00pm
- WHERE: BLACK IN TOWN (03-3353-4655) Japan WEB SITE (Japanese)
- PRICE: ¥6,000 including buffet foods and drinks
- CONTACT:JCMA 03-3796-6730 FAX: 03-3796-2952
- Feb 25 (Tue) - Mar 16 (Sun), 2003
- Houston Live Stock Show & Rodeo WEB SITE
- A Big rodeo in Houston, USA.
- WHEN: Feb 25 (Tue) - Mar 16 (Sun), 2003
- WHERE: Houston, Texas, USA
- Feb 15 (Sat) - 16 (Sun), 2003
- OBRA All Japan Finals Rodeo WEB SITE
- Real Bull Riding in JAPAN! This is the Finals of rodeo by Okinawa Bull Riding Association in Japan! Top 8 members will compete there in last year.
- WHEN: Feb 15 (Sat) - 16 (Sun), 2003 / 3:00pm - 6:00pm
- WHERE: Western World (Okinawa, JAPAN)
- CONTACT: Okinawa Bull Riding Association
- Feb 16 (Sun), 2003
- LIVE in AOYAMA '03
Tony Nakamura, Country World WEB SITE (Japanese)- Tony Nakamura's country music live at Honda show room.
- WHEN: Feb 15 (Sat) - 16 (Sun), 2003 / 3:00pm - 6:00pm
- WHERE: Honda Welcom Plaza Aoyama (1F Honda Aoyama Bldg. 2-1-1 Minamiaoyama, Minatoku, Tokyo)
- APPEARING : Tony Nakamura with The Rodeo Clown
- CONTACT: Honda Welcom Plaza Aoyama TEL 03-3423-4118
- PRICE: Free
Real Western
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